Job Description
Job Description First Baptist Church (Maxwell, NE) - Pastor The Big Picture First Baptist Church ( is a conservative Independent Baptist Church seeking a Pastor with gifts of preaching, teaching, shepherding and leadership skills.
Requirements Job Description ~Senior Pastor, seeking a man that fits the qualifications as seen in I Timothy 3:1-3 and Titus 1:5-9
~Duties are found in the Church Constitution, Article VII, C 1-7
~We have one paid ministry position, that of Senior Pastor
~Maxwell is a small, close-knit community. It is important that the Pastor have a heart for people and community involvement.
Pay Package ~Includes housing, utilities and health insurance. Parsonage is a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, Ranch Style home, within walking distance of the church.
~$40,300 annual salary, negotiable
Church Building ~Original building includes a sanctuary that seats approximately 115, balcony that will hold about 30, nursery and a basement with several classrooms, Handicap accessible
~We have a large addition that is about 10 years old which has several classrooms, restrooms, well-equipped kitchen, library and a gym that can be used as an event room. Handicap accessible
Finances ~All projects or building needs have always been paid through giving. We have never had church debt.
Congregation ~67 members
~75-100 average Sunday morning attendance
~All age groups are well represented
Ministries ~Sunday services are traditional with casual dress
~Sunday School for all age
~Sunday morning service includes Children's Church. Sunday evening Bible study and prayer time.
~Wednesday evenings include Youth Group, grades 7-12 with an average of 12-15 teens. Awana with an average of 50-60 kids.
~Wednesday evening Bible study during the summer
~We are missions minded as we support 16 missionary families worldwide
~We have Homeschool families in our congregation
~Ladies Bible Study
~Outdoor Expo & Wild Game Feed
~Access to several youth Bible Camps
~Funeral dinners for church members
~5th Quarter is a youth outreach held after each home football game of Maxwell Public School. It gives the kids a safe place to go after games. We have food, fun and the sharing of God's Word.
~Our congregation is very involved in each of these ministries. They lead and head up these many activities, which the Pastor oversees and can be involved in, as much as he wants too.
Community Outreach
~Village: We have church members involved in the Fire Department, EMT's, Village Board, business owners etc. The church participates in the yearly Heritage Days parade and invites the community to a Taco Feed at noon. Prior to Thanksgiving we deliver a traditional Thanksgiving meal to shut-ins and senior citizens in the area. We offer our facilities for families that are having funerals in the area and need a place to congregate following the graveside. We will serve coffee and cookies or a meal, depending on family needs.
~School: We have church members that are teachers, board members and employees at Maxwell Public Schools. The parents of the high school football team have used our facilities for many years to make breakfast for the team on game days. They use the church yearly as a place to host ACT testing for Junior students. The church hosts a Teacher Appreciation Meal at the end of every school year for all staff at Maxwell Public Schools
Benefits Pay Package ~Includes housing, utilities and health insurance. Parsonage is a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, Ranch Style home, within walking distance of the church.
~$40,300 annual salary, negotiable
Job Tags
Summer work, Casual work, Worldwide, Outdoor, Sunday, Day shift, Afternoon shift,